Thank goodness that I have a mother and mother in-law that live so close! And I am not saying that in sarcasm at all! Fall means 'hunting season,' hunting season means that my husband will leave most weekends starting late October through December. Because my amazingly talented and fun mothers live so close, I tend to spend most of my "husband-free" time with them. Fall is a great time to spend in the kitchen or work on small projects. I plan on having my grandmother out here in a week or so to help repaint my kitchen. (Yeah!) All that to say, I am super excited to start working on projects and try better at keeping things posted here online.
Believe it or not, but this is my little niece with "Snookie." Snookie would be this chicken, odd name I know. But it seemed to fit the newest addition to the coop. She is a 'silky' bred chicken, all white except her blue feet, beak and ears. Weird right? This would be the chicken that I referred to in the "Redneck Swap Meet" post.